I'm three exams behind. Here we go:
Book Shelf Seminar: Quiz TimeDo you own more than 100 books?
Hands down. I probably could add a zero and then some...
Do you read any book or magazine that is handy?
Sometimes I do. Sometimes I'm choosy.
Have you ever read the cereal box?
Do you have a membership with the local library?
I do, though I haven't been in a very long tim.
Do you go to the library more than once a week?
Would you rather read a book than go out with friends?
Some days.
Do you visit the bookstore more often than you do your mother?
I visit the bookstore with my mom.
Do you wear glasses? If so, was reading the reason you got them?
When asked your favorite hobbies, do you reply with a single word "reading?"
I reply with a few words, one of which is "reading".
Have you ever stayed in bed all day reading?
Not in a long time but, yes.
Flowers in the Attic was the book I devoured.
Travel Studies Seminar: Quiz Time1. What is your traveling style?
~ Going on a super luxury cruise, relaxing and eating well for a week.
Going with friends on a history bus tour with a guide.~ Going on a wildlife safari or a mountaineering expedition.
2. How many clothes do you usually take along on a holiday?
~ At least 2 new sets of clothes for every day of the vacation.
One set per day is usually enough.~ I can easily manage in 3-4 sets, no matter how long the vacation.
3. How many pieces of luggage did you carry on the last vacation?
~ Including the sleeping bags and the tent?
~ Two suitcases, carry-on, shopping bag, purse, tote, diaper bag, laptop, pillow, coat.
~ A backpack, that's all.4. Given the following choices, where would you prefer traveling to?
~ Alaska or Tahiti~ India Or China
~ Kenya Or Greenland
5. What is your preference regarding hotels, while on vacation?
~ A luxurious five star, with a room service 24 hours duty.
A medium priced hotel, with just the necessities.~ A Tent rules.
6. What are your food preferences on a holiday?
~ A six course meal at the best restaurant in town.
~ A
decent meal at a good place for $12.~ Whatever you can carry in your cooler.
7. How do you travel while on a holiday?
~ A rented car.
~ Public transport.
By foot, wherever possible.
8. What's your dream vacation?
~ Biking down the California coast.
Eurailing around Europe for three months.~ Two weeks at a beach resort.
9. You and your friends are hiking. You
~ Take the most difficult route; it's no fun otherwise.
Take the route everyone else takes.~ You take the simplest route, after all reaching the destination is important.
10. While on a beach
~ You prefer to go surfing or scuba-diving.
~ You are content with swimming in water.
You would rather stay on the beach and build sand castles.11. In an amusement park, you will be seen
~ On the new gigantic roller-coaster.
Taking the scenic train ride.
~ Watching the kids while reading a book.
12. Someone says they're taking you bungee jumping.
~ You are totally game for it. Wow!
~ You express your doubts, but are persuaded.
You throw up.13. When you are on a camping trip
~ You cook and eat whatever you can catch.
You bring fried chicken for dinner, and muffins for breakfast.
~ You hire a dutch oven chef.
14. You're planning a long road trip with the kids. You
~ Buy a new car with a built in DVD player.
~ Take plenty of benedryl.
Buy several copies of Harry Potter, and read it out loud together.
15. You're in Washington DC for a long weekend. You can't wait to
~ Visit all the Smithsonian museums.
Take a city tour to see the Lincoln Memorial and other monuments.~ Sleep in every morning, take in a movie, and see a live ballet that night.
Write Away Seminar: Quiz Time1. The power in your house goes out, and you are stuck with candles and nothing to do but think. How long could you entertain yourself just sitting?
~Ten seconds. I'd get out my cell phone and call a friend.
~Ten minutes. Then I'd fall asleep.
Hours. I'd reconstruct my last conversation; think through a presentation I might give someday; imagine my life in ten years; remember my high school gym class.2. You're writing and the phone rings. You:
~Answer it.
~Finish your sentence, then answer it.~Let the answering machine get it.
3. The person calling is one of your dearest friends, who wants to get together for brunch and a good long chat about her ex. Unfortunately, this juicy brunch will take place during your scheduled writing time. You:
Decide to go. You haven't heard the latest dirt on her evil ex in ages.~Say you can't go, but sit on the phone dishing for another hour.
~Reschedule for a non-writing day.
4. You're at the restaurant with your friend when you have a fantastic idea for a novel. You:
~Hope you'll remember it—you have nothing to write with and nothing to write on.
~ Will manage. You use the waiter's pen and the back of your receipt.
Carry a special notebook, an organizer, or even a laptop with you everywhere—you're completely prepared.5. You imagine yourself as a successful writer. What is the image that is clearest in your mind?~The rounds of publishers' parties, autographings, and talk shows where you are lionized for your work of immortal literary genius?
Your name on the spines of a shelf full of beautiful books?~Your backside glued to the chair, your cramped fingers on the keyboard, and your blurred eyes on the monitor.
5. If money was no issue, what would you do with your spare time?
~Shop til you drop;
~Prepare for a maraton;
Sit alone in a room full of books and type.6. Do you have . . .
~An idea for the Great American Novel -- a certain best-seller,
~A few ideas for different stories, ~Background and development for a number of related books, a time-line, and a whole bunch of files.
7. You figure the biggest benefit of becoming a writer is:
~Money and fame;
Flexible hours and being your own boss;~The writing.
8. You read:
~The occasional newspaper, magazines at the hair salon, and headlines in the grocery store check-out line.
~In your free time if you don't have something better to do.
You invented the term multi-tasking because reading IS your "something better to do". You usually have a book in hand no matter what else you're doing at the time.9. You have some strong opinions about a political issue. You
Yell at the car radio.~Debate it with your bookclub.
~You write a letter to the editor.
10. You realize you have an experience that would benefit others. You
~Call around, and let people know you're anxious to talk with them;
Ask if you could speak about your topic at a luncheon;~Write an article and submit it for publication.