Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Moment

I'm thinking right now of my life as a parent of two. With my son wanting that little bit more of Independence every day, there is as much pride as there is pain in his words, "Mommy, I can do it." My heart swells when I walk into my daughter's room as she wakes and her face lights up at a mere glimpse of me. I know the days I have of this are few because all too soon she, too, will yearn to do it on her own.
To be blessed enough to see the two interacting is bliss. Kamila squirms with delight every time Steven is near. Steven shines something fierce as he regularly proclaims that HE is her big brother. I could not have asked for a more instant, solid bond between two people so small. They are synchronized. They are united. They share a love that I can appreciate.
So, my dear babies, hold tight to each other over all that Life is going to lead you through. Know that whatever squabbles will come to spice up the days must be quickly forgiven and even more quickly forgotten. Hold close, hug tight, and love deep.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Cars that Crash

Oh yes they do. Hubby was out picking up dinner when the donkey driving the car ahead of him popped it into reverse and CHONK! A crash split the bumper. No one was hurt and I know that is really all that matters. But shit, you see now, this car has a history. It's a red thing.
Simple as that.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Hum Drum Kinda Day

We woke happy today. Kamila was singing in her crib. Steven cracked open his eyes and smiled. I stretched out and then hit the ground running. No coffee. No Starbucks. No tea.
As the day winds down, my efforts over it look invisible. I put together a couple small photo albums of each of the kidlets. I completed a scrapbook layout. I framed a very special beautiful amazing image of my great-aunt who passed away last fall. I sorted out a few orders that I need to place. I finally made it to the bottom of the disastrous sock basket. I picked up items that have been circling the shopping list because they were finally in stock. I did some banking. I need some serious ideas. Where can I get a great bookshelf? Not the normal three-shelf brown, black, or white. But something funky and chic.
Very slowly I am modernizing our home. It's time. I'm putting together my list of wants. I'm becoming drained with all the mish mash thrown together furniture that doesn't go together more than it does. I bought a set of long royal purple drapes. I took down the ancient beige short drapes in Kamila's room. POW! The room changed in an instant and the light bulb above my head lit right up. I didn't think it modernizing or personalizing or whatever it's called was so simple.
Bottom's up to kick off a stellar weekend. I can feel it! Let's roll...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

London Fog

Let's take a ride on a milk foam cloud to place were we'd like to be. Not caught up in the chaos of everyday but rather indulging in free spirited creativity. Music playing songs that energize and songs that soothe all in one. Tranquility at our fingertips ready for the taking.
Fill me up with sweet Earl Grey and all its wonders. Spark the flame and unleash the wildfire within. Walk alongside and have conversations of silence.
Taste the hint of vanilla. Understand its contribution. Know its peace.
So many revelations awakened in one simple sip.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It's Your Day

Happy Birthday to you, sweet Sister!

Here's a snippet of a conversation with my son just last night:

Me: It's Zia Lisa's birthday tomorrow
Steven: So Mommy, are we going to Beep Lake? (Note: He said the actual place name which for misc. reasons I cannot share)
Me: I'm sorry, we can't. It's simply too far away
Steven: Ummm, what about Zia's cake? She can't have a birthday without cake
Me: We can have one for her
Steven: With candles?
Me: For sure
Steven: Do I get to blow them out?
Me: Of course
Steven: I love my Zia Lisa
Me: Me, too

The conversation ended and I was a bubbling mess needing way more than just tissue.
Tonight, we are baking rainbow cupcakes for Zia.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Boxes of Wonder

Just yesterday, I received a dropload of boxes from my parents. Like a kid at Christmas, I couldn't wait to tear through them. Here's the visual: I grab Box 1, prop myself on the floor in the living room against the couch, rip open the first lid (the boxes are old school cardboard), and...........find bags over bags sorted by grade of my school papers. Projects, report cards, miscellaneous papers, etc.
I spent the better part of the evening rifling through to find bits and pieces of days gone by. The dropload was reduced to a mere shoebox of memories of which some day I'm sure will find the same fate. Many papers and buckets of dust are now sitting in the driveway waiting for garbage day.
Such is life. Oh so simple.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

On my mind

There have been a bunch of things swirling around my mind lately. In no particular order:
  1. Coziness
  2. Ladybugs
  3. Butterflies
  4. Monkeys
  5. Cages
  6. Books
  7. Bridges
  8. Distance
  9. Pictures
  10. Letters
  11. Structures
  12. Numbers
  13. Names
  14. Planning
  15. Creativity

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


That's exactly what I feel like right this moment. I could swear that today was Tuesday and not Wednesday. I swear this because Tuesday evenings around this time, I sit down to do my quiz online for one of the courses I'm taking. Imagine the look on my face when next week's quiz came up. Micro panic moment while talking to my sister. WTF! In trying to roll along this simple path for 2009, I'm concluding a few things. First, I need to do some serious ass busting to assure 100% on the next couple quizzes to make up for this lost one. Second, I need to realign my mind (read: pull head out of ass) and get on top of Time. Third, I need to reprioritize...again!
Simple, Simple, Simple. Say it with me now...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Skipping on the Ice

Tonight a parenting moment hit me and stopped time. The decision to hold on or simply let go. Our son started skating lessons. I stood by, camera snapping as quickly as the point and shoot can, as Mike got Steven all suited up. Skates, check! Elbow pads, check! Helmet, check! Let's glide...Together we helped him walk to the ice. His instructor took over. We watched in awe as he would fall and stand right back up. We saw the excitement on his face as he would take an extra step or two on his skates, "Look guys, I'm skating." At one point he came off the ice to have his mitt fixed. I took his hand to help him back on the ice. WHAMO! The moment caught me.
I knew I had to let go. But my hand was stuck. My fingers went tingly. He was pulling away and all I could do was let him go. It was time. He was confident. He knew I was there. I knew he was ready. As I type this, my hand is tingly again.
Not moments later, he came back. There was something funky with his other mitt. This time it was Mike's turn.

The Letter W

Trevor Brucki, a sensational winnipeg photographer, is running a neat promo on his blog right now. Check it out. I know this girl sure could use a boost in the Starbucks budget :)
When I read the posts, it was a flashback to my childhood where Sesame Street ruled. They featured letters, numbers, and words on each episode and that made things cool.

Monday, January 12, 2009

List Over List

I have been bit again by the urge to make lists of everything. With a shitload of things that need to get done, a swirl of things that I want to get done and time travelling faster than the speed of light, I need to restructure. Last year, I had a to do book that disappeared early. For the little while that I had it, it worked. I was on top of things. I am going to get back into this habit starting now. My monthly missions keep the big picture together for me but I need a bit more focus daily. What do you do to stay on top of things?
Today, my list was minimal: two loads of laundry and mail the package I had via Purolator. KACHOW! Blasted these out of the water. It felt great. Tomorrow will be a wee bit more ambitious. It's going to start with "get up early, plan the day, exercise, go for a massage..."
I'm thinking if early is on the agenda, I'd best be dashing to bed. Later dudes!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


That's how these last bunch of days have felt. My sister moved away today. I couldn't be prouder of her. The courage, strength, patience, desire, love that she showed this morning despite some serious lack of sleep and an emotional overload was to be admired. Don't get me wrong, I did not want her to leave, but it wasn't at all about me. She wanted to go. She needed to go.
So now I'm on a mission to find a penguin and then teach it to fly.
I love you, Lisa.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Take Time to Make Time

Again, like a fish out of water, I'm floundering about.
Books sit untouched and scream at me for attention. All I can do is stare at them not being in the right frame of mind to absorb anything from them.
Is this all just a joke? Will I wake from some silly reality inspired dream and be relieved to know it wasn't real? Or is this the truth and am I being tested? Please help me remember what it was I asked to learn that Life would present me with such a scenario to struggle through.
Sometimes keeping things simple isn't so easy.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Ode to Dr. Seuss

There is so much to do
There is so much to say
There is not enough time
In one simple day

Dishes to be washed
Clothes to be put away
Projects to get started
Hip hip hooray

Routines to rekindle
Order to restore
There might be a leak
Around the front door

Another thing to do
Another thing to get done
Let's rock and roll, World
It's bound to be fun

~by me

Monday, January 5, 2009

Shivers and Shakes

Rookieroo's clip and snip went well today - although I'm sure if you asked him he might disagree. The tech that brought him to me broke the rules just a tad. She opened his kennel and walked him out to me without a leash. Shhhh! It's apparently a no-no but there was no one else there. I knelt down to greet and hug him. He was so happy his whole body was wagging. It warmed my heart. I completely appreciate when people just know the right thing to do. I really needed the pick-me-up hug. He is great at them. The tech just knew. Thanks for knowing!
The weatherman on the radio kindly pointed out that we have been experiencing an abnormally cold period over the last month or so. Gauging from the frostbite on my knuckles (from my own stupidity!), I hadn't noticed. =insert eye roll here=
At least my Cinnamon Dolce was delicious.
A sweet happy birthday to my husband. I love you.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Catlovers and Dogfews

I'm dogsitting my dogfew for the next couple days. I have the honour (pffft!) of taking him for the big snip. Let's keep it on the hush because he's liking me right now. While being with him, I also get to be with my parents' cats.
Animals amaze me. They introduce for me a calmness and tranquillity that I want to learn to live. Unconditional love. Devotion. Comfort. Curiosity. Spontaneity.
Without further ado, meet the pack. (Quickly, all the aliases listed for each animal are ones I use and not necessarily all of them or ones used by others.)
Meet Master Pepsi
AKA Pep, Pepper, Peppercorn
Age: 17 people years
Birth date: unknown. He was a humane society rescue who picked us on my sister's fifth birthday. He was an itty bitty kitty not barely two months. We took him out of the kennel because the spot on his nose caught our eye. He snuggled. We put him back. He made the most terrible noises imaginable. He came home. He got sick, very sick. It was quite the scare but when he came around it was spectacular.
Accomplishments: Despite being clawless, he can still climb trees. Steer clear of his swat as it can bruise you. He is World's Best Purrer EVER! Loves to love. At his age, he still snarls something fierce. He inhales pork chops (I saw him do it!) and enjoys people food.
Look at those extra long whiskers and teenie tiny body. He's always been petite.
Meet Her Royal Highness, Molly.
AKA Mollyollyoctopus, Mollycats, Snoot
Age: 11 people years
Birthday: unknown. Molly was adopted from my aunt. Pepsi picked her. What he wants, he gets.
Tails about Molly: She is selective. This girl goes from super affectionate lovey dovey hop-to-your-hand-for-pet-pet to sneer at you with her hoitey-toitey puff cheeks and soft green eyes. Turn her back at strut away. Silly cat!
Look at those sensational colours.

Mr. Rookie, aka Rook, Rook-a-roni, Rookieroo, Dogfew
Age: 6 months or so
Birthday: mysterious. He has one just not one that we know.
His Story: In preparing to move, my sister adopted this pound puppy and has shown that pound puppies are the best kind there can be. She and I went to the pound to look. He sat so pretty. I don't recall him barking like most of the others. He was calm. Having been there for near two months, his days left were few. He looked to have accepted his fate - just another unwanted. He made Lisa nervous. She's a new owner. He's going to be real big. We went outside and played together. We interacted and observed. We talked. They bonded. He came home.
He will protect her. He will warm her. He will love her. HE told me so.

Mission: January

Let's rock this out. Sweet and simple this month. January, you're full of emotion.
  1. Pick up frames and put images into them.
  2. Get the hangings on the wall.
  3. Replace the teenie tiny drill bit that I busted...SHHHH! Don't tell.
  4. Print pictures. C'mon now, what's the point of taking them if you don't print them?
  5. Get the music area set up.
  6. Take down the tree.
  7. Celebrate all the excitement, even if some will be bittersweet.
  8. Book a massage.

Eight is a nice round number. That's simple enough for now.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Catch Up

That's what today is. A day to catch up on things otherwise not done yet. The laundry never ends. Get serious! There are a few things that I need to run out and snap up and the day seems to be running just a touch faster than me.
I've hung photos up and realized the accomplishment that this is. I could sit all day long and stare at this one image. Remembering the day with my son, my sister, and Carmen Matthews, photographer extraordinaire. (That sugarplum dancing on her first page is my boy!) I think there are many evenings ahead of candle flames flickering in the dark, songs playing in the background, and me reminiscing. Have a peek:

Friday, January 2, 2009

Seeing Magic

As an aspiring photographer, I'm learning to see the world different. Taking pictures is easy. Anyone can do it especially now with the digital options. But, walk a mile in the shoes of a true photographer and you will quickly understand there are many skills required beyond simply point-and-shoot. I could start spewing fancy phrases and jargon that I'm learning but that isn't where this post is going. The most consistent information that I've been given from an array of photographers is to invest in good lenses. This makes me think. Why the lens? What changes from one to the next? How is one better than another? I picked up my cameras and started clicking away. Here's what I learned from that.
When I raise the camera to my eye and look through the lens, I see different. I don't just see things that form a picture. I look at how the light falls, where the shadows dance, what is going on behind the subject, a quick thought to make sure there are no tree branches growing out of heads or other weird things like that. I'm not able to rely on Photoshop skills because mine are pretty basic so instead I try and capture beautiful with the click. I hope to freeze the moment to create a lifetime memory, to convey in an image the essence of a moment. I want to capture what I see.
Regardless of which lens or which camera I was holding, the moments I was observing did not change. They were filled with magic. The conversations rolled, the emotions were raw and real. The opportunity at hand was available. I realized that the magic we see in pictures has less to do with the picture as such and more to do with the story, the memory, the feelings, the associations we apply.
The lens just sees what we show it. The moments are all magic. The moments are what make the difference.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My Word and My Wish

Hey 2009! Roll in with me. Cuddle up and let's ride. Ready, set, GO!
I learned about one little word from the lovely Ali Edwards.
My word for 2009 is simple. That's it. In my preparations for 2009 I also came up with some neat things that will unveil themselves throughout the coming year. Follow along with me. Join me on this journey.
In a silent moment today where I was lost in thought about many people in my life, I had a revelation. My heart whispered to me. My very soul shone bright and spoke. A wish revealed itself to me. My wish:
To every person in my life, I wish for you that this year be a year for you to find yourself and, in that discovery, may you find yourself with the ones you love. Be true. Dig deep. Love always.
I've been thinking about my missions for this month. I'll blog them soon. I've remembered a tradition where the Christmas tree doesn't come down until after La Befana (epiphany). So, ours is still up and will be until January 7 then it will become branches in a box once again. Tomorrow is garbage & recycling day (I hope!) so it's off for me to bag and box and run it to the curb.