Monday, October 19, 2009

Write Away Seminar: Post Card from Philly

TravelinOma is off on an adventure this week. Are you doing your homework?
Being that I've been a part of the blogging world for a while, I do have a few things that I wish everyone would agree to entrench in the Blogger's Book of Etiquette:
  1. Spell check your posts. Spelling is a pet peeve of mine.
  2. Comment on blogs you visit. I love reading comments. They make me all warm and fuzzy.
  3. Do LinkLove posts where you show people things or people you are talking about. I don't know how many times I've googled things people have referred to in posts.
  4. Have fun with your blog. It's a new kinda weird but cool way of meeting people, making friends, and enjoying life.
  5. Show pictures. They are as enticing as words. I know I slip in this section.

1 comment:

  1. I read my blog using bloglines and it makes me lazy. I don't always click over and leave a comment, even though I love getting them. It helps to know there's someone on the other side of my computer screen! Good ideas.
