Friday, October 7, 2011

Cram, Hockey and Turkey with a Side of Stuffing

That right about sums up my Thanksgiving Long Weekend. Despite the extreme winds today, the weather here on the prairies is over the top amazing. Sorry all my South friends, I'm soaking up every second because I know they are fleeting moments. It won't be long before stale grey skies stare down on us and white blankets our world.
Tonight is cramming in everything I possibly can in preparation for my economics exam tomorrow. I scheduled it. There is no one but me responsible for the Saturday of a long weekend choice. I am feeling OK but the jitters are creeping in. One more night and this part is done. One more...
Hockey! Hockey! Hockey! Yell it from the rooftops! Let the whole world hear. Welcome home, NHL. More on this later.
Monday will round out the weekend with a house full of chatter and a table warm with food. Family is what you make and it's time to stop and remember to be thankful for everything and everyone we have.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that your exam went well and that you and your family had a wonderful holiday dinner! We are soaking up Indian Summer here. The weather has been lovely, but that will soon change. I so enjoy Autumn!
    Happy week to you!
