Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wait. What?

Someone pointed out this morning that today is the last day of August. Wait. What?
This month has been so full of wonderful things that even without a mission list we got so much done. I suppose when the heart decides it wants something enough, it doesn't much matter if you write it down, set a reminder or add it to the calendar. The heart decides to go for it and just like that it happens.
This month we had our pictures taken and ordered so we can hang on the walls, painted one room, skipped away for a vacation, soaked up many moments with family, helped fix a pool, spent time in the sun, finally returned the library books that were haunting me, passed along many clothes that needed to move out, stayed somewhat on track with my current course, and celebrated.
August, I'd certainly like to meet up with you again. You were filled with exactly the kind of awesome that I live for.

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