Puna picked this week's theme and as soon as I saw dessert I thought, "Wow, that's a big one." When she sent me her image, again I was stopped in moment of wow. Just look at how she caught that cookie. I'd say a cookie is not the first thing that comes to mind when most people think dessert but I think she has captured so much more in this beautifully lit image.
As I got thinking about dessert, I thought of the many spectacular dessert places in my city. You can snap about just about everything from decadent chocolate cakes stacked so high it falls off your fork before you can lift it to melt-in-your-mouth cheesecakes to cupcakes to pies to everything else. When it came down to it though, all I could think was what we often have. I can't wait until June when the strawberries will be ready to be picked fresh.