Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins: 2011-05

You're playing along with Friday Fill-Ins right? I haven't in since before Christmas and I've missed it. Here is my go at this week's:

1. We are on this earth because ___life is beautiful__.

2. __Get out there and___ experience __something new___.

3. One of the hardest things for me to learn __is how to be easy on myself___.

4. __Lego is___ connected.

5. I remember __when the wind was all that blew___. (Name that song ;-)

6. ___My family__ is one of the best parts of my life.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __a freezer cooking party___, tomorrow my plans include __running like nobody's business___ and Sunday, I want to ___swim__!


  1. I have no idea what the lyric is, sorry ;) You are so right, we all need to learn how to be easy on ourselves. We are our own worst critics xx have a great weekend and enjoy your freezer cooking party!

  2. Can I go with you swimming? ;) Have a fun weekend! And thanks for sharing your FFI. I hope you can visit mine too.

    Here's FFI 2011 -#4 for 2011 -05

    Cheers! See yah...
